Cosmic Soup



Hi! I'm Charlotte, welcome to my site!

Take a seat, have a cup of tea, stay a while. This site is currently under construction as I shift from the old content to the new content. I'm thinking this will be a place for thoughts and ideas that have nowhere else to go, but I also have a personal blog and an email newsletter.

currently listening to: nothing, actually
last blog post: 2.28.2023

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Cosmic Soup

  • 5.9.2024: after a year of no updates... i've deleted a bunch of my old pages, but will bring them back in an old-page-graveyard-archive thing. have yet to make most of the new pages except for the experiments page, which has one experiment on it

  • 3.1.2023: added like six new reads to the books page, fully up to date now. new update video of the cowboy jacket!

  • 10.3.2022: made an about page!!! finally!!! might add a photo or something. probably more information. but it exists and it didn't before!!!

  • 10.2.2022: made a page for my mail art and general postal adventures! it's the post page! gave that the same theme as ooey gooey patooey bc i miss that and i love pressing flowers. plan to work on more fun little themes soon

  • 10.1.2022: made a theme for the front page :) i like this black and white situation quite a bit more than what i had previously... still planning to make themes specific to each page and this is just the first of many

  • 9.24.2022: layout change! navigation is on the left now! i'm in the process of making different themes for each page, will update soon hopefully. also got my button working! need to get around to linking other people soon too!

  • 9.14.2022: added a "projects" page and made my first sub-page there for a cool little jacket i'm working on... haven't worked on my about page... want to write in my music page about the records and setup i bought over the weekend...

  • 8.12.2022: made myself an 88x31 button for this site!! on my links page!! might put it on here as well? unsure... still need to get working on my about page...

  • 8.11.2022: moved site from ooey gooey patooey to here! made the mistake of showing the site to my father before realizing i do not need him to see this... keeping the same layout for now...

  • 7.27.2022: updated diary and homepage layouts! not much but more readable. need to do this to my other pages. removed the photos page. i didn't have an interest in updating it. might add it back in if i ever do, but don't really foresee that happening. might make an about page

  • 7.24.2022: added a sitemap, changed the background image (source)

  • 7.??.2022: forgot to say when i did this, but added a to do list page and a making page, which i'll update with some fun little projects

  • 7.8.2022: added a books page! now you get to know what I've been reading... humiliating, considering so much of it is just romance novels...

  • 7.4.2022: added a music page within the stuff page! plan to make a books page tomorrow and add some photos from my trip... we'll see if that happens

  • 6.23.2022: fiddled around with the look of the site... changed the background color ever so slightly, made the header smaller, made the diary page a bit more readable (shoutout to my dad for giving me feedback on that one). going on a trip, will try to take some photos to add to the site

  • 6.18.2022: added this changelog, about me... wanting to add more, unsure what or how

  • 6.17.2022: ooey gooey patooey is live!